Help us Preserve The Scots’ Charitable Society Lot Fence!
Spring 2025 Update- Match Completed!
In the fall, the Friends of Mount Auburn were thrilled to announce that an anonymous donor approved a matching grant of $260,000 supporting the preservation of the Scots’ Charitable Society Fence. The initial work to remove the fence for repairs commenced in mid-December, and as of March 2025 we are proud to announce that the fundraising goal has been reached! Thank you so much to all who have given to this meaningful project. Read more about the background of the project below and look forward to seeing the fence reinstalled on-site in the summer of 2025.

Thanks to you, we have completely fulfilled this match! If you're interested in helping us match an equally incredible project, please consider making a gift to the Grove Street Entrances!
In the 1800s, Mount Auburn housed hundreds of iron fences, most of which have since been removed due to changing tastes at the turn of the 20th century. Of the 62 remaining iron fences at the Cemetery, the Scots’ Charitable Society Lot Fence is perhaps the most significant.
At the intersection of Walnut and Fir Avenues, the Scots’ Charitable Society Lot Fence is one of the more ornate cast iron fences at Mount Auburn. Purchased in 1841 by the Scots’ Charitable Society for its members, this lot memorializes over 200 people of Scottish descent. The large fence designed by architect Theodore Voelkers is adorned with symbols of the heritage of the people buried in the lot, including the image of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, as well as thistles, battle axes, rampant lions, and crests.
What makes the lot unique is that there are no headstones or grave markers. Instead, the cast iron fence itself is the memorial. Many working-class people could not afford the costs associated with burial, so the Scots’ Charitable Society lot was a resource for members in need. The burials, ranging from 1841 to 1990, reflect a panorama of human stories that highlight the perseverance of the immigrant story in America.
Thanks to a matching grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2022 and the generosity of our donors, we were able to engage Foster Architects to complete a condition inspection and assessment of the fence which revealed the great extent of restoration work required to restore this piece of funerary art to its former glory. Now, Mount Auburn needs your help to finish this vital work.
The Work Ahead
Iron and Masonry Repair

The granite bases holding up the almost two century old ironwork are irreparable and require replacement. Repairs from previous decades, which encased the granite in concrete, have unfortunately only hastened their disintegration. In order to replace the bases, the fence will need to be dismantled and removed to a cast iron restoration shop. While removed, the damaged corner posts will be repaired, and replacement pieces will be cast as necessary. Lead paint will be stripped from the entire fence, and the fence will be repainted prior to being shipped and reassembled on site atop new granite bases.
All of this work will be carefully done while respecting the final resting places of over 200 people of Scottish descent buried within the lot. The restoration of the fence honors the risks they took and the difficulties they faced as working-class residents—mostly farmers and tradespeople—of a highly stratified Boston society, often battling diseases like tuberculosis that ravaged the population. Restoring the fence also underlines the generosity of their countrymen who founded the Scots Charitable Society, the oldest charitable organization in the Western hemisphere, founded to support Scottish immigrants in poverty and ultimately to provide a dignified final resting place at Mount Auburn Cemetery.
Landscape Design
While restoring the hardware of the fence will bring this memorial back to its beautiful, honorific design, we seek to add some aesthetic touches that improve the immediate environment of the fence while being aligned with our sustainability practices. To this end, Mount Auburn’s horticulture department created a planting plan utilizing plants that are native to Scotland, but also have a successful history of growing in our local environment. The following native Scottish plants will provide horticultural interest, will complement the compelling story of the lot and, by replacing turf, eliminate the need for mowing and string trimming within the lot.
Inside Fence Area

Alcemilla alpina (Alpine Lady’s Mantle)

Campanula rotundifolia (accent) (Scottish Bluebell)

Athyrium filix-femina (Common Lady-Fern)

Sanguisorba officinalis (accent) (Great Burnet)

Carex flacca (Blue Sedge)
Outside Fence Area

Silene dioica (accent) (Red campion)

Sesleria caerulea (Blue Moor Grass)

Cytisus scoparius (Scotch Broom)

Sambucus nigra (Elder)