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Burial Info Session (Virtual)
June 7, 2024 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Curious about burial and memorialization at Mount Auburn Cemetery? Come learn about our various burial options, including cremation burial, natural burial, and conventional casket burial, and about the ways a person can be remembered at Mount Auburn whether they are buried here or not. You’ll have the opportunity to ask your own questions whether you attend in person or online, and you’ll receive information about how to sign up for a burial space tour if you decide Mount Auburn is the right choice for you and your family.
This info session will be led by Mount Auburn’s Sales Manager, Regina Harrison.
VIRTUAL EVENT: You will receive a livestream link the day before the event.
Experience a deeper connection to Mount Auburn Cemetery with free access to all our public programs and discounts on special events by joining the Friends of Mount Auburn. Our robust roster of programs each year is made possible by the generous support of our donors and in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
For inquiries about accessibility, to request an accommodation, or if you have any questions about your membership, please contact friends@mountauburn.org.