Lot & Grave Care

Mount Auburn is committed to the ongoing care of all Cemetery burial space. Read on for more information about our horticulture and monument care services.

Private Monuments 

Mount Auburn’s landscape shows a wide variety of memorialization. Each burial space is deeded with specific requirements on whether a private memorial is allowed and outlines the type and size permitted.

All new monuments and markers must be pre-approved by the Cemetery before installation. Please contact a monument dealer* to initiate this work. The monument dealer will communicate directly with Mount Auburn to determine the permitted size, style, and material and will then work with the family on a design meeting the Cemetery’s specifications. After receiving Cemetery approval of the design, the monument dealer will fabricate your memorial. 

The size of a monument and its foundation requirements will determine the cost for installation. Mount Auburn will invoice the family for this work. Please note that Mount Auburn requires payment of all outstanding fees associated with a grave or lot before it installs any new memorials. Upon receipt of payment, Mount Auburn’s staff will prepare the foundation, coordinate delivery of the monument from the memorial dealer, and set the monument in its final location. The Cemetery will notify the family when the work is complete. 

Memorial setting is a seasonal activity, occurring between April and November. Memorials fabricated during the winter months will be delivered to the Cemetery and set by our staff during the following spring. 

Foundation and Setting Fees start at $850. Discounted rates are available for placement of VA markers. 

*Some of the monument dealers used most often by families are listed below. We make no representation regarding their reputation or the quality of their work. If you are interested in a hand-crafted memorial, please contact us at 617-607-2424 for a listing of local stone carvers. 


Memorials currently in place at the graveside can be inscribed onsite. Memorials are not removed for added inscriptions. Inscription work takes place seasonally from April through November. 

Adding an Inscription to a Private Memorial 

Families should begin the process of adding an inscription to an existing private memorial by contacting a local monument dealer. Following a discussion with the family, the monument dealer will submit the proposed inscription to Mount Auburn for review. The Cemetery reviews and approves all new inscriptions, even those on personal monuments. Once we approve the proposed design, Mount Auburn will issue a permit that allows the dealer to cut the inscription. No inscription work may take place without Cemetery approval, and monument dealers are required to carry permits with them as they complete all work at Mount Auburn. 

Adding an Inscription to a Crypt, Niche, or Shared Memorial 

To add an inscription at a crypt, niche, or Cemetery-owned memorial, please contact Mount Auburn directly. Our staff will assist with the creation of an inscription that meets the approved format for the location in question and will then issue a Work Authorization for review and approval. All unpaid fees associated with a grave are due to the Cemetery before any inscription work is completed. Once the Work Authorization is signed and the Cemetery receives payment of the inscription fee and any other outstanding fees, the Cemetery will contract the inscription work through an approved contractor.  

Please allow a minimum of nine to twelve weeks from receipt of payment and a signed Work Authorization for the work to be completed. Inscription work is seasonal, taking place between April and November. Inscriptions ordered during the winter will be scheduled for completion the following spring. Once an inscription is completed, our client relations team will notify you. 

Local Monument Dealers


Lincoln Granite Co.
61 Adams Street


Mt. Auburn Memorials 
583 Mount Auburn Street


Woodlawn Memorials 
315 Elm Street


Oak Grove Memorial 
165 Mystic Ave


Natick Memorial Works 
161 Pond Street


Newton Memorial Art Co.
732 Walnut Street


Monti Granite
266 Centre Street

Quincy Memorials
18 Willard Street


Canniff Memorials
531 Cummings Highway

Davis Memorials
3859 Washington Street


H.P. Smith Monument Co.
238 Main Street


New England Monuments
701 Moody Street


Statewide Monuments
PO Box 634


Carrigg Memorials
772 LaGrange Street

Stone Washing 

Stone washes are available seasonally (April-October) on private memorials and can be initiated by the lot or grave owner, or an immediate family member.  

Fees are determined by the type and size of the stone. Mount Auburn will assess the condition of each memorial prior to washing. If the condition is very fragile and deteriorated, Mount Auburn may recommend not washing, or using a very delicate method that may not remove all the soiling.  

We do not guarantee that all soiling or staining will be removed by washing.  We endeavor to use only washing methods that are appropriate for the existing condition of the memorial and do not have the potential to damage the stone in any way.   

Stones that are under Perpetual Care are washed on a cycle outlined under the original contract. 

Annual Care  

Plantings of flower beds, shrubs and additional ground cover may be available pending the size and location of your lot. To explore custom planting options for your lot, please contact us to schedule a consultation.  For a consultation fee, which will be applied toward the final cost of the planting, we will assess the size and location of your plant options, discuss your preferences, and provide personalized recommendations. All plantings must be conducted by Mount Auburn's horticulture staff to ensure quality, consistency, and adherence to our standards of excellence. 

Perpetual Care 

Perpetual Care is a contract that Mount Auburn makes with a representative of a lot or grave to perform specified lot care in perpetuity for a fee.    

Types of Perpetual Care:   

  • Perpetual Care of Groundcover is automatically accounted for in the original sale of the burial space. 
  • Perpetual Care of Monuments can be purchased at the time of installing private memorials. Fees are determined by type, size and care plan.  

Perpetual Care of Lot Planting may be available for purchase for lots of a certain size. Fees typically start at $15,000. 

State of the Organization Meeting

State of the Organization Meeting

Mark your calendar for our inaugural State of the Organization Meeting on Friday, November 1st, to be held in Story Chapel from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

State of the Organization

Contact Us!

Please contact clientrelations@mountauburn.org or call 617-607-2424 to request a stone wash or if you have a question or concern regarding the status of your lot or grave.