Press Requests
Mount Auburn is happy to assist members of the press with stories, interviews, fact checking, and photos. For press requests, please contact or +1 617 607 1980.

Mount Auburn Cemetery Announces New Early Bird Hours

38 Artists And Organizations Awarded $120,358 In Local Cultural Council Grants By Cambridge Arts
Celebrating ‘SOLSTICE’ at Mount Auburn Cemetery (WBUR, December 12, 2024)>>
The Complicated Ecology of Cemeteries (Sierra Club, Octoebr 24, 2024)>>
From Snakeroot to Salamanders, Life Thrives in Cemeteries (Mental Floss, October 18, 2024)>>
Listen: An artist resurrected Mount Auburn Cemetery’s defunct pipe organ (WBUR, May 17, 2024)>>
A musician’s invitation to meditate on death at Mount Auburn Cemetery (WBUR, March 21, 2024)>>
Early blooms at Mount Auburn Cemetery highlight climate change concerns (WBUR, March 12, 2024)>>
World’s Greatest Cemeteries S1 Ep1- Mount Auburn Cemetery (PBS, 2022)>>
Luna moths grace the landscape at Mount Auburn Cemetery (requires Boston Globe subscription)>>
Reflections on a year at Mount Auburn Cemetery (Cambridge Day, October 8, 2022)>>
Natural Burials, Human Composting: Going Green Even in Death (NBC Boston, October 4, 2022)>>
Serenity and Beauty Residing in One Place (Watertown Tab, August 16, 2018)>>
Billerica Man Heads Mt. Auburn Cremation Department (Watertown Tab, September 4, 2018)
He Works with the Dead for a Living at Mount Auburn’s Crematory (Boston Globe, September 20, 2018)
The Death Positive Movement’s Major Mass Moment (Dig Boston, September 25, 2018)
Yes, there is a ‘Mount Auburn,’ and here’s how it got its name (WBUR, November 1, 2018)
Revitalizing Mount Auburn Cemetery Chapel (Harvard Gazette, November 27, 2018)
Bigelow Chapel Reopens its Doors to the Public (Watertown Tab, December 3, 2018)