
Press Requests

Mount Auburn is happy to assist members of the press with stories, interviews, fact checking, and photos. For press requests, please contact or +1 617 607 1980.

Mount Auburn Cemetery Announces New Early Bird Hours

Mount Auburn Cemetery Announces New Early Bird Hours

38 Artists And Organizations Awarded $120,358 In Local Cultural Council Grants By Cambridge Arts

38 Artists And Organizations Awarded $120,358 In Local Cultural Council Grants By Cambridge Arts


Episode 36: Matthew Stephens (Mount Auburn Cemetery) (Little Local Conversations Podcast, December 20, 2024)>>

In these darkest days, light dances with wonder (Boston Globe, December 18, 2024, requires Boston Globe subscription)>>

Celebrating ‘SOLSTICE’ at Mount Auburn Cemetery (WBUR, December 12, 2024)>>

Life After Death: America’s Cemeteries Are Rewilding (New York Times, November 29, 2024, requires NYT subscription)>>

Meet the artists who bring Mount Auburn Cemetery from darkness to light (Boston Globe, November 25, 2024, requires Boston Globe subscription)>>

The Complicated Ecology of Cemeteries (Sierra Club, Octoebr 24, 2024)>>

Mount Auburn Cemetery’s Artist-in-Residence Program: A Decade of Inspiring Art, Nature, and Reflection (WCA-TV, October 25, 2024)>>

From Snakeroot to Salamanders, Life Thrives in Cemeteries (Mental Floss, October 18, 2024)>>

When Did Cemeteries Become Tourist Attractions and Hot-Date Spots? (Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2024)>>

Listen: An artist resurrected Mount Auburn Cemetery’s defunct pipe organ (WBUR, May 17, 2024)>>

With new pedestrian entrances, Mount Auburn Cemetery wants to become a more lively green space (WBUR, May 3, 2024)>>

Matthew Stephens aims to open up Mount Auburn Cemetery (Boston Globe, April 29, 2024, requires Boston Globe subscription)>>

A musician’s invitation to meditate on death at Mount Auburn Cemetery (WBUR, March 21, 2024)>>

Early blooms at Mount Auburn Cemetery highlight climate change concerns (WBUR, March 12, 2024)>>