Professional Composting Workshop

September 16, 2015

Aerated Static Pile Composting and Compost Tea Workshop
October 6th and 7th, Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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Make high quality compost and utilize it in organic soil nutrient land management in this dynamic two day workshop co-sponsored by o2 Compost and Compostwerks.

Learn how to convert liabilities into valuable assets from highly experienced professionals with direct experience in organic land management and compost production. There will be compost tea brewers and sprayers, compost top dressing equipment for an onsite demonstration. There will also be a tour of the composting facility and Aerated Static Pile composting system at Mount Auburn.

If you are interested in composting and organic land management you will learn directly from this workshop. Discover how to make excellent quality compost, compost tea and liquid compost extracts.

Ideal for: Grounds superintendents, property managers, universities and colleges, institutions, arborists, landscapers, lawn care contractors, municipalities and growers.

Peter Schmidt, founding partner of Compostwerks LLC, Certified Soil Foodweb Advisor, ISA Certified Arborist and NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional has an A.S. degree in Arboriculture with 32 years of experience in the horticultural and organics fields.

Peter Moon, President and Principal Engineer of O2Compost, has a Bachelor’s  Degree in Geology and a Masters of Science in Geotechnical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley. Peter has 25 years of consulting experience, including 15 years of focused energy on composting.

There will be guest speakers which will share their experiences in composting, growing and organic land care. These speakers are highly experienced with extensive practical knowledge in organic land management and composting.

Registration deadline is October 2nd and space is limited.

For the full agenda, and to register visit:


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